Established in 2002, Mercy Teams International (MTI) is a ministry of Operation Mobilisation (OM), a global movement founded by George Verwer operating in more than 110 countries.

About Operation Mobilisation (OM)
OM started in the summer of 1957 when George Verwer and two friends sold their possessions to raise money for a trip to distribute Christian literature in Mexico. From this first trip, the small team began to share their vision to mobilise Christians from around the world to reach the nations. As hundreds of Christians responded, the Operation Mobilisation movement was born.
Today, over 3,300 OM workers, representing over 100 nationalities, are bringing God’s love and truth to millions every year.
About Mercy Teams International (MTI)
MTI was started to provide opportunities for Christians around the world to minister to the poor in the East Asia and Pacific region, by sharing the hope of Christ and supporting community change.
Millions of people in the East Asia and Pacific region are living in poverty. Issues like trafficking, migration, abuse, lack of employment, addictions and natural disasters continue to plague the region.
Rapid urbanization, population growth and climate change have also left many people, especially young children and youth, deprived of basic health, nutrition, education and shelter.
Our workers work alongside local Jesus followers to be the beacons of light in their own communities. Building on our global network, we equip, train, disciple and provide resources to these local communities so that together, we may share God’s love and justice through practical transformational development initiatives.
We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. Towards this end, MTI is passionate about the holistic transformation of poor and marginalised communities in the East Asia region.
Our Approach
Our community transformation efforts are driven by the following three-pronged approach.

Transformational Development
We proclaim the love and justice of God and demonstrate this in practical ways by ministering to the spiritual and practical needs of these communities.
For sustainable and effective community change, our community development strategies and initiatives are conceptualised and implemented through local communities of Jesus followers, working alongside expatriate teams and global partners that offer training and resources that are needed to transform their communities.
Discipleship of local Jesus followers is done through spiritual teaching, mentorship and providing them with practical community development skills. We believe in their potential as agents of change in their communities and reflect this by walking alongside them on the path toward spiritual maturity as the foundation of holistic transformation.
We collaborate with local and global partners to work towards community transformation. Local partners are critical in formulating culturally relevant community development initiatives and for sustainable community change, while global partners provide essential resources to support these endeavours.
We are committed to living and working among the poor and marginalised, to bring hope, love and justice to those who are suffering. Our desire is to see God’s love transform these communities into vibrant communities.
We come from all walks of life, but are united by our passion to use our skills, abilities, faith and action to make a difference in the places that we serve.
Board Chairman