Agents of Healing in Bali

In the Indonesian island of Bali, a group of teachers and pastors were recently equipped in caring for those suffering from trauma.

Jul 26, 2023

In the Indonesian island of Bali – a place known for its beautiful coastlines, majestic mountains, and ancient temples – a group of teachers and pastors were recently equipped in caring for those suffering from trauma. The trainings, supported by OM MTI, were conducted by an NGO whose mission is to motivate, mobilize, and train those who are committed to bringing healing and restoration in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ to those in their sphere of influence.

Through the trainings, the teachers and pastors discovered the different forms of emotional stress, trauma, abuse, and victimisation that exist in their communities, and learned how to become agents of healing and restoration.

Realising God’s compassionate love

The teachers, who are from a church-operated school, were taught specifically how to support the students under their care by being a non-anxious presence in whom the students can trust and reach out to. After the training, the group gathered to identify children who may require immediate care and made plans to visit the students at home.

“I felt so moved by this training and learned a lot about myself and the children in my class,” shared one of the teachers, Made*. Even though she is not a Christian, when the trainer recounted the story of the prodigal son in the Bible, she was deeply impacted. “I didn’t realise how compassionate God’s love for us is and how deep he cares about our well-being.”

“I felt so moved by this training and learned a lot about myself and the children in my class.”

Made, a participant of the training

Fulfilling their callings

Similarly, the group of pastors also expressed how relevant the training was for their ministry. They became aware of the need for healing in Jesus among their congregation and also for those who have never experienced His healing love before.

A participant, Pastor John*, admitted that pastors are often more concerned with giving advice and passing judgement, rather than genuinely listening to the story of the person. During lunch break, he summarised that morning’s learnings: “It’s not about problem-solving but about being a fellow traveller in a hurting world”.

“It’s not about problem-solving but about being a fellow traveller in a hurting world”

Pastor John, a participant of the training

Another participant of the training, Pastor Matthew*, shared that his eyes were opened by the training to be more intentional when caring and reaching out to a non-believer. While doing an activity, Pastor Matthew realised that he had been missing out on his calling to make new disciples as he had been so focused on his church.

A couple of days later, when Pastor Matthew met with OM MTI’s worker in Bali, he reported to her excitedly that he had felt so challenged by God that he invited his non-believing neighbours over for dinner to start building a relationship with them. “We sat and laughed a lot, shared stories, and were able to pray together shortly. It was such a blessed time,” he said.  

*name changed

Please pray:

  • For all the participants of the trauma care training, that they will use what they have learnt to care for those around them, with wisdom and grace from above
  • That the Church in Bali will bring the healing and restorative love of Jesus to the communities around them

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