Pulau Burung (pictured above) is a remote and rural district in Riau – an Indonesian province on the central eastern coast of Sumatra, facing the Strait of Malacca. Here, there are no paved roads or four-wheeled vehicles – residents travel on foot, motorcycles, or by boat through the system of canals that runs through the entire area.
In some parts of Pulau Burung, electricity is not readily available. So, for the inhabitants of these areas, like Pak Delisman (pictured left), solar lamps provide a welcome relief to the darkness that envelops them at night. When MTI’s local partner approached Pak Delisman with solar lamps, he eagerly took two. Similarly, another man, Pak Sugeng (pictured right) was delighted when he was offered a lamp. He was willing to sell his duck just to get one lamp.

The initial batch of lamps that MTI sent have all been distributed, with more on the way as many have asked when more lamps would be available.
Besides Pulau Burung, the solar lamps were also brought to other remote parts of the area. One of them was Pulau Ngenang near Batam, where all the residents are either fishermen or coconut farmers.
In addition to bringing a much-needed resource to the people in these rural places, MTI’s partners also talk about the need for God as light in our lives with those they meet. As they travel around with the lamps, they take the opportunity to build relationships with the locals through spiritual conversations and practical help.
Please pray:
- That the solar lamps will truly help to meet an essential need of the residents of these remote areas.
- For the safety of MTI’s partners as they travel around the area. Some of the journeys can be dangerous.
- That through this project, many would see their need for God to be the Light in their lives.