The Happy Class
Happy, Mercy, Faith and Hope. These are the names of the English classes that OM MTI has been conducting in Indonesia for more than 2 years.
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A Family Secret
Recently we met a couple who had lived among a marginalised community in Cambodia. After hearing many stories from them, we have begun exploring possible ways in which we can help this community.
Moving Forward Together
As we come to the end of 2023, how has MTI progressed in our mission, and how can you come on this journey with us?
The God Who Provides
Nurul and her mother moved to another country, hoping for a better future. But they found themselves facing the same problems of livelihood and education yet again.
The need for light
In some parts of Pulau Burung, electricity is not readily available. So, for the inhabitants of these areas, solar lamps provide a welcome relief to the darkness that envelops them at night.
Agents of Healing in Bali
In the Indonesian island of Bali, a group of teachers and pastors were recently equipped in caring for those suffering from trauma.
Supplies and Hope for the Destitute
Hundreds in Myanmar have been killed, while thousands have had to flee. OM MTI’s local partner visits the affected areas to deliver supplies and hope.
George Verwer
“George was passionate about Jesus, passionate for God’s Word and passionate for the lost. I believe he was God’s man for the 20th century, who changed the course of modern mission.”
A Partnership for Hope
For disciples of Jesus, Easter is a wonderful reminder of the hope that we have in Jesus as He resurrected from the dead and claimed victory over death and sin. We celebrate that Jesus is our present and future hope, whether in life or death.
In December 2022, OM MTI welcomed Grace Lee-Kok as our new Executive Director (ED). To many of us, Grace is not an unfamiliar face. She served in OM MTI for 6 years before transferring to SEAM, another ministry within Operation Mobilisation (OM).